Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud

The theme of today’s blog is all about the power of something as simple as a SMILE.

I’m sure we’re all guilty from time to time of avoiding eye contact with strangers on public transport or walking by people in the street while we’re rushing from place to place. I challenge you this week to make a strangers life a little brighter by just smiling at them!

Don’t underestimate the power that a smile can have on someone’s day. It has a massive ripple effect! Not only will it make someone else’s day brighter, it also makes you feel better too! We really never know what people are going through in their personal life. Be that rainbow in someone else’s cloud!

This video clip reveals the hidden power of smiling:

Thought of the week:

I love our thought of the week today! I have it on my bedroom wall and it is also on our studio wall too!  Believe it or not there are some days when I want to just put everything in the ‘too hard box’. But then I remember why I do what I do and that by me getting up, showing up and never giving up, I make somebody’s day a little brighter!

Have a great week and remember to be that rainbow in someone else’s cloud.

Katy x